Fertility Awareness Methods
Most people have heard about NFP or Natural Family Planning, although the phrase is often associated with negativity (“it doesn’t work” or “that’s totally ineffective”). I’ve heard countless university professors and coworkers (OBGYN’s and RN’s) say those exact words. When talking about NFP, there certainly are methods that are ineffective at preventing pregnancy and monitoring health, such as the rhythm method, calendar method, or coitus interruptus. These methods do not take into account the unique and individualized reproductive system of each woman. Fertility awareness methods, on the other hand, do take this into account. FAM’s, specifically FEMM, Billings, and Creighton models, focus on a woman’s understanding of her body. These methods, when practiced correctly, are 99.6% effective at preventing pregnancy (BMJ, 2019). They help women identify hormonal abnormalities and learn to achieve a healthier version of themselves. Many modern reproductive technologies focus on suppressing or destroying the woman’s reproductive system instead of working with them to identify abnormalities or prevent pregnancy. When a woman is equipped with body literacy education through FAM’s, she is able to identify through physical signs (i.e. cervical mucus characteristics, etc.) when she is likely to ovulate. Ovulation is not just a sign of proper reproductive function, it is a sign of health. FAM’s are not only helping women avoid or achieve pregnancy, they are also helping women identify root causes to health concerns.
I am trained specifically in FEMM. FEMM stands for Fertility Education and Medical Management. FEMM promotes an active role for women in their healthcare by equipping them with health literacy, self-management, and shared decision making. FEMM is empowering women to have a voice when it comes to their body and their health decisions. Want to learn more about FEMM? Click the button below.